Well, that did not take long!
We have official word from DC Comics that the new Justice League title launching in June will feature Hawkgirl! And judging from the promo to the second issue (due out June 20, on a bi-weekly schedule), Hawkgirl will be part of the action right from the start:
Shipping biweekly, in JUSTICE LEAGUE #2 on June 20 by Snyder and Jiménez, the League is faced with an impossible decision…and now they must face the consequences! While Martian Manhunter and Batman attempt to recruit an old ally back into the fold, The Flash and Hawkgirl are blindsided by new challenges that could rewrite their mythologies!
Looks like the speculation on the colors of Kendra's uniform were on the money as well, as she is sporting traditional green and yellow, with a red and black Hawk symbol on her belt. The golden edging on the wingtips is a nice Egyptian-looking touch! Aside, from Cheung's covers (which I think look really sharp), it looks like Kendra and J'onn might be having a "Best Abs in the League" competition going on...
This team -- both the creative team and the characters making up the League -- looks to be a really good group, and I am eager to see where things go from here!
What about you? Are you excited for the new Justice League and Hawkgirl's membership?
Image: Justice League covers, Jim Cheung, 2018.
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